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SL has announced that it will host a CS:GO tournament in Barcelona with $75,000 on offer.
Called the Barcelona CS:GO Invitational, the tournament will take place from February 19-21 in Hall 2 of Fira Barcelona Montjuic as part of ESL Expo Barcelona presented by Mobile World Congress, which will have a venue with a capacity for over 2,500 fans.
Eight CS:GO teams - four international, two European and two Spanish - will be competing in this tournament for their part of a $75,000 prize pool.
fnatic and EnVyUs are the first two teams confirmed for the competition, with more invites due to be revealed in the coming weeks.
"Connecting esports tournaments to events like the prestigious Mobile World Congress is a very exciting new step on our road to further popularize esports," ESL Spain and ESL LATAM Managing Director Sebastian Radu said.
"Reaching new audiences, engaging them in new way, going to places undiscovered yet by the industry - that’s what the partnership between GSMA and ESL is about.
"ESL Expo Barcelona presented by Mobile World Congress is already our third joint event, and being held in a proven and full of esports potential territory like Spain, we’re confident the future is bright and full of opportunities for both GSMA and ESL."
Tickets for ESL Expo Barcelona presented by Mobile World Congress range from €7.20 to €18 and can be purchased on Eventbrite's website.
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